Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Planting Turnips, Carrots, Radishes, Greens, Green Onions and assorted seedlings

Whoo hoo I did it! I finished planting everything I needed to get into the ground right away. The only things left are finding space for the remaining cole crop seedlings and digging a mound for my fall garlic planting. I finished not a moment too soon, since we're expected to get pounded by storms this evening.

Freshly planted garden, viewed from the SW corner.

And from the NE corner. Yeah, my rows aren't perfectly straight, but I don't think the plants will care.

July 16th Planted:

  • Hakurei Turnip (38 days)
  • Purple-Top White Globe Turnip (55 days)
  • White Satin Carrot (68 days)
  • Sugarsnax Carrot (68 days)
  • Miyashige Daikon Radish (50 days)
  • Scarlet Queen Green Stem Turnip (43 days)
  • Shunkyo Semi-Long Radish (32 days)
  • Garnet Giant Mustard Greens
  • Toscano Kale
  • Champion Collards
  • Redleaf Amaranth
  • Goldberg Golden Purslane
  • Summerfest Komatsuna Greens
  • Cooking Sorrel
  • Evergreen Hardy White Bunching Onion
  • Nabechan Bunching Onion
  • 8-Ball Summer Squash (2nd planting)
  • Sunburst Patty Pan Summer Squash (2nd planting)
  • Amour Pickling Cuke (2nd planting)
Misc. Seedlings
  • 2 Watermelon Seedlings (var. unknown)
  • 4 Cayenne Pepper Seedlings
  • 4 Brussels Sprouts Seedlings
  • 2 Purple Kohlrabi Seedlings
For most of the plantings I did a box-style layout, giving turnips 6-8" and carrots and radishes 2-3". I planted a lot of the Hakurei turnips, because I liked them so much. I really hope they grow well. The greens should be exciting too, though I don't know if the kale and collards will get beyond the 'micro-greens' stage. I tried to arrange the root crops so that the quick-maturing varieties were in a very sunny spot, which I can sow with a fall crop of greens or peas.

At this point my space is pretty much used up. I'm kicking myself for not having the neighbor till the garden further east, but I was too lazy to move the giant rock pile out of the middle of the paddock. Most of the west side is unusable because of the shade from the maple trees. Oh well...I can always refine it next year.

In other news, my peppers are looking droopy. I'm trying to water them well, but they just won't perk up. Maybe with the coming rainstorm, all the fertilizer will be mobilized and the plants can take it up and be happy. If the peppers bite the dust I'll gladly plant other stuff in their place, since it's prime real estate.

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